Thursday, July 9, 2009


This trailer does things to me.
It triggered a chemical reaction deep within the nucleus of every cell within my being that led to a sense of pleasure that; should that euphoric data be recorded, the lab technician responsible would be found slumped over his console in a catatonic state, for he would've witnessed nothing short of pure, unrefined AWESOME.

Back when I saw Blomkamp's trailer on YouTube, I was impressed.
Then I saw some bite-sized pieces of his short films, and my respect grew greater.
So, ever since I heard about District 9, I have been eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Now thanks to this trailer, I'm actually beginning to salivate.

I pray to Crom, The Four Winds, Charlton Heston and any other god-like beings to hear my cry and allow some Hollywood studio suit/exec to read this blog.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE somebody organise it so that Neill Blomkamp is given the honour of making a Half-Life 2 movie.

Now I'm going to go and keep watching the trailer over and over until I pass into a happy-coma.

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