Sunday, May 17, 2009


Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
Firstly, allow me to thank you all for visiting my blog.
For years I have not exactly been against blogging, so to speak, but I was not exactly a proud member of Johnny Blog's Fan Club.
There was just something about it all that struck me as somewhat arrogant. “Look at me! Listen to my words! Opinions, opinions, feed upon my plump, freshly baked opinions!” That was the general scent that I detected wafting from the stalls of various others whenever I walked past their blogs and perused whatever wares may have been on display.
Then it suddenly dawned on me.
I too, was often guilty of standing upon whatever box was at hand and shrieking my mind at passing townsfolk.
Films? I'd have a rant ready.
Video Games? Words would be thrown about.
Porn, comics and various other topics upon which conversation can suckle and feed like a giant, bloated insect? Oh, you can bet I held my proboscis at the ready. (That sounded seedy. I'm fine with that.)
After this light-bulb illuminated above, a slow and sinister grin began to creep across my features a la The Grinch, for I realised that all along I had been creating a blog. A blog where no screen, nor webternet, nor any other computer-related accessories were required. I was unknowingly posting and broadcasting my particular brand of blog on to any soul that was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to stand close enough to detect my signal.
And by signal, I mean the sound of me shouting at them.

It has now become clear that I am not creating a new blog, but rather, I am merely changing the format of the blog which I have been generating for years.
This blog is entering a new phase.
It has undergone a blogsformation, if you will.
Or maybe a blogomorphosis.
Hmmm, 'Blogomorphosis' sounds like the name of an evil wizard in a REALLY bad book.

Anyway, further delays or tangential wanderings, allow me to properly welcome you, dear readers, to my blog.
Here you shall find a veritable buffet of awesome (complete with sneeze-guard).
The main courses will generally be film-flavoured, but the menu also includes a wide range of video game and comic book dishes.
That will be the main arena where most of the action will take place, but if any other topic is unearthed that happens to contain valuable nuggets of rant-worthy minerals, then believe you me; I'll hastily strap a light to my skull and descend deeper into the mines, canary in hand.
For that is the Blog-Miner's duty.

So, thank you and welcome once again.
I hope you enjoy the words I throw at you.

Stay tuned, y'all.


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