Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I had a double-sided experience with Mirror's Edge.
On one hand, it had elements that I loved. (Getting smooth lines of parkour going etc)
On the other hand, it had moments where rage and hatred were the dominant flavours of the course. (Any gun-play or combat. Blargh)
However, that being said, the experience was generally enjoyable and I will ALWAYS shine a light of praise upon the game purely because it had the balls to do something different.
Sure, there were some stumbles during its quest for a smooth run but they were minor and a sequel cannot come soon enough if you ask me.
In the meantime; behold these delicious shots of some DAMN IMPRESSIVE Mirror's Edge cosplay.

This does wonders for the argument that a ME movie would be incredible.
Just imagine that awesome palette of brilliant whites, blues and reds on the big screen.
Throw in a cast and stunt team that includes David Belle, Cyril Raffaelli and so forth and you've already got me waiting in line for a ticket, yo.

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